7 Ways to Use a Tablet for Your Small Business

7 Ways to Use a Tablet for Your Small Business

The iPad faced a lot of criticism when it was first released. The worrisome point was that it might be the start of devices that we don’t need PCs for anymore. While the iPad does perform many of the same tasks as a PC, it doesn’t run word processors and other programs.

A tablet is a whole different beast than a smartphone or an iPad. The newer versions of Android run more smoothly than ever before, making them more user-friendly than an iPad can be. This means that you can use a tablet to conduct your small business more efficiently.

How can a tablet work for your company?

Here are some ways that a tablet can replace a PC for running a small business. Keep reading to learn more!

1. Checking Emails

First, download the email app onto your device, using either Google, Yahoo, Outlook, etc. Once installed, simply enter your email login credentials, such as username and password. Most of the apps will alert you when you have new emails, so you don’t have to constantly check your inbox.

With a tablet, you can effectively manage and respond to emails as well. You can delete, move, and archive emails as needed.

Furthermore, you can schedule emails to be sent out at different times in the future. In addition, you can use the spell check feature on the tablet to make sure your emails are free of typos by running your writing through a spelling and grammar checker. 

2. Video Conferencing

Be sure you have the proper software and connection speeds before attempting the conference. Download a video conferencing app on your tablet and create a user ID to access the system. You can then invite others in your network to join the conference as well.

The app will usually tell you what connection speeds you need to maintain for optimal communication. Check the sound quality is good before the call and make sure you are in an area with minimal or no background noise. Finally, familiarize yourself with the main features of the app to ensure that you make the most out of your video conference session. 

3. Writing Documents

It should have enough storage capacity for storing large files and should have a long battery life. Once you have the device, install and open the document writing applications from the tablet’s App Store. There are a variety of free and paid programs available to choose from.

Start by selecting a program that provides formatting options, spell check, and autocorrect. Then, create any necessary documents or note files that you may need.

Once the documents are created, share them with other employees through a cloud-based storage system. Finally, ensure you are taking periodic backups by regularly saving your work. With a tablet, small business owners can create documents quickly and effortlessly at any time or place.

4. Track Their Inventory

First, you’ll need to purchase an inventory tracking app or software that can be used with a tablet. You should also set up a system for recording any additional inventory that you purchase and track when inventory needs to be replenished.

To ensure accuracy, you should also set up alerts to notify you when inventory levels reach a certain point. Finally, you can keep track of sales data and customer information in your inventory tracking system so you have a better understanding of your technology and can better serve your customers. 

5. Install Apps

This can vary by the tablet’s make and model. For example, Apple iPads use the Apple App Store and Android devices use the Google Play Store. Once you have opened the store, search for apps that could benefit your small business.

Consider communication, organization, productivity, marketing, and finance apps. For each app, read everything about the app such as its compatibility, ratings, user reviews, and price.

If you are always satisfied with the specifications of the app, then download the app by following the app’s instructions. Use the app to explore its features and navigate around. Consider iPhone repairs to avoid problems in installing apps on your tablet.

6. Create and Edit Documents

To begin, you will need to select a compatible program from your tablet’s app store or website. Once you’ve installed a document-editing program onto your tablet, you will need to open the program and create a new document. If you already have an existing document, you can also upload it to your tablet.

From there, you can start editing the document from your tablet. Depending on your program, you can make many changes such as changing font size and color, inserting visuals, and adding hyperlinks. Once you are done making changes to your document, you can save the final version and access it from other devices. 

7. Market Your Business

Utilizing a tablet can be a powerful tool for creating a strong presence on the web. Research the capabilities of your tablet to explore the various marketing tactics it can help you with. Use it to create and distribute flyers and brochures detailing your services and products.

Additionally, maximize social media. Develop a persona for your business and post content regularly. This will enable you to reach out to prospective customers and generate more leads.

You can also facilitate better communication with your customers if you have a customer service chat portal. Make sure to incorporate an email subscription or newsletter sign-up option on your website. Research other digital marketing strategies like Google Ads, display ads, and SEO tactics.

Start to Use a Tablet Today

Tablets are a great tool for small businesses to help them grow. Whether it’s for checking emails, video conferencing, or writing documents, tablets offer a wealth of opportunities to make work easier and more productive. If you’re looking to make your small business more efficient, check out ways to use a tablet for your business today!

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