Individual team building: motivating experiences instead of ‘mandatory evil’

Individual team-building: motivating experiences instead of 'mandatory evil'

If you want to work not just with colleagues, but with a real team, there are many ways to do so. But it doesn’t always matter how you get there and how sympathetic your colleagues are to the journey. Companies are keen to organize team-building events and activities to help resolve disagreements and tensions caused by stress, extra workloads and tensions between colleagues. In most cases, employees perceive these as compulsive, contrived pastimes, or have an attitude towards them. However, there are some effective and efficient solutions.

Clear objectives

To improve relations between employees, eliminate conflicts and develop cooperation. To achieve all these in a team-building event. Distancing people from each other is a known process that has been severely affected by two years of pandemics. Employees were in home offices for long periods, avoiding face-to-face meetings. Group work has become almost impossible. The willingness to do so must therefore be restored. One of the best ways to do this is a well-chosen team building breakout room.

Employee expectations

Anyone who has attended team-building events will know that the classic versions do not always achieve their goals. The tedious, often boring events designed as professional training are not very attractive. Competitive events are often unpleasant. If a celebratory dinner is planned for this purpose, it almost always ends with drinking, which mostly results in an experience of unbridled debauchery. Beyond this, employees are looking for something new and special. The escape room team builder is an easy to organize solution that requires real teamwork.  

Employer expectations

Whether the aim is to prevent burnout in the workplace, to better hone colleagues’ personalities, creativity and competencies, or to help them recover from summer holidays, employers want to deliver a value-for-money, effective team-building activity. Some of the break room activities are specifically designed to meet these needs. Where managers can observe and learn about the skills and attitudes of their colleagues. From this information, they can then develop their internal workplace structure in terms of team composition and task allocation. This in turn gives the team a significant advantage.

Real cognition

Getting to know your colleagues from a recruitment interview is a difficult task. The objectively written content of a CV is far from giving the employer an insight into the personality of the employee. How will you be able to fit into an existing team? How can they work together constructively? What tasks can and should not be assigned to him/her? Each player can be observed on his “method of working”, his efficiency and his relationship with others.

The benefits of escape room team building

  • The number of participants is not a problem, it is just a matter of timing.
  • It can be organized for any day of the week
  • Excellent location within the city
  • 1 hour fixed plannable programme
  • Team builder organized by experienced staff
  • Excellent fun and useful programme

Satisfied, returning corporate partners are proof that it is worthwhile and useful to plan team-builders in free rooms.

Read Also: What Kind Of Skills Should Work Managers Have?

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