Who Were the Celts?

who were the celts

Are you related to or just curious about the Celtic people?

When you ask the question “who were the Celts?” the answer can be somewhat confusing. In fact, when one investigates the origins of the various Celtic nations and tribes, there are many different answers — depending on one’s point of view.

This article will dig into the question of origins, attempting to shed some light on one of the most fascinating and enigmatic tribes in European history.

An Overview of Celtic History

Their presence went back to the Iron Age and they left their distinct mark on the European landscape. They were complex people with extravagant art and creative skills. They cultivated their soil and raised cattle while displaying their individual creativity through ornate artwork.

The Celts were known for a number of things, including their use of chariots in war, their druids, their long-term traditions, and their religion. They are an important part of Europe’s past and their legacy still remains in the countries and people who descend from them. 

Understanding Celtic Culture

They are believed to have migrate from Central Europe and have a unique cultural identity; their language, art, and religion distinguishe them from surrounding cultures. It is not known which people are related to the Celts, however, many people today are curious about Celtic history, culture, and way of life.

To understand the Celtic culture, it is important to learn its language, art, and beliefs. Today, there are several resources to help gain knowledge of the Celts such as books, museum exhibits, films, and websites. Additionally, there are associations to bring awareness and appreciation to Celtic culture by hosting fairs and festivals, promoting Celtic music, dance, storytelling, and checking a page with clover jewelry and crafts. 

Exploring Celtic Symbols and Traditions

They had an interconnected system of beliefs, and it was these beliefs that brought about their symbols and traditions. Some of their symbols and traditions have been around for millennia, such as their knotwork artwork, which has become a symbolic representation of the Celts.

They had a tradition of holiday festivals and celebrations, and this is where their music and dance originated. Additionally, their pagan religion gave rise to many of the symbols that still exist today. If you are related to the Celts, you very likely have inherited some of their traditions, symbols, and beliefs in your family.

Celebrating Celtic Identity in the 21st Century

Their legacy can be see in the culture and the language of many European countries and the lands they came to inhabit. For many, their ancient yet modern identity is something to celebrate.

In the 21st century, Canadians of Celtic heritage and people of all ancestries can connect to their shared Celtic heritage through celebrations like Tartan Day and National Celtic Day. Celebrators of Celtic identity in the 21st century can also explore their heritage digitally and participate in activities such as attending lectures and workshops on Celtic topics or joining local Celtic music groups. 

Take A Look At Who Were The Celts

It’s clear that the Celts were an influential culture in Europe impacting art, language, and even modern societies. Researching the Celts gives us an appreciation for their culture and allows us to draw connections to our own lives. If you want to learn more about the Celts, start by exploring archeological sites, preserved texts, and other resources to trace your own heritage or just to be curious about the legacy of this amazing culture.

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Read Also: What’s the History Behind the Celtic Knot Tree of Life?

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