Life-Saving Dilemmas: 5 Situations When CPR Is Not the Answer

5 Situations When You Do Not Perform CPR

Getting involved in moments like these and helping out a person in real time could be a life-changing experience. But how can you tell when to use CPR and when not to?

CPR is life-saving, but it is not the best option to use in several different types of situations.

Not sure how to recognize these critical moments? Then read our guide below to learn about 5 situations when you do not perform CPR!

1. When the Person Has a DNR

A “do not resuscitate” (DNR) order is a document issued by a doctor indicating a patient’s wishes not to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). In this situation, do not start CPR, as it would not be performed in line with the patient’s wishes. The patient is not to be deprived of the medical care they deserve, but their wishes must be always respected. 

2. When the Person Is Clearly Deceased

One of the reasons to stop CPR is because the heart is no longer beating, and the person is no longer drawing breath or responding to stimulation. Attempting to deliver breaths or compressions to someone who is dead is not only futile but can also be damaging to the body. Moreover, performing CPR on a body that is already deceased may be socially inappropriate and may increase the risk of disease transfer. 

3. When the Person Is Drowning for Too Long

This is because drowning is also caused by lack of oxygen and in most cases, CPR will not be enough to help in this situation. If a person has been submerged in water for too long, chances are they will not have enough oxygen to sustain life in their lungs and CPR won’t be enough to save them. 

4. When the Person Is Clearly Electrocuted

If you administer CPR in this situation, you could put yourself in danger. Furthermore, electrocution has already caused severe damage and CPR will not help the person recover. In some cases, electrocution may have caused the heart to stop beating, and if that is the case, CPR will not restart the heart.

Therefore, it is best to take the person to the hospital as soon as possible for proper and much-needed medical attention and treatment. If you have MyCPR NOW certification, you’ll be well-prepared to respond effectively in such situations. 

5. When the Person Is the Victim of Stabbing

This is because CPR is designed to restore breathing and blood circulation for heart attacks, drowning, and other health ailments, and is not designed to treat the wound inflicted by a stabbing. In such cases, the victim needs immediate medical assistance to stop the bleeding, put pressure on the wound, and prevent infection. Without medical assistance, the person is likely to die, so it is important to call 911 or take them to the emergency room. 

Learn These 5 Situations When You Do Not Perform CPR Today

CPR is an invaluable tool in saving lives, but it’s important to recognize when it is not the most suitable or effective measure. Knowing these 5 situations when you do not perform cpr will allow us to provide proper medical attention more quickly and effectively. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to reach out for help and use the appropriate resources available.

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