What Do I Do if I Lost My High School Diploma?

What Do I Do if I Lost My High School Diploma?

On average, over 85% of Americans graduate from high school, so most of us have a diploma to proudly hang on our walls. Not only does this show one of our biggest achievements, but it also opens up job opportunities. Most positions require graduation from high school, and without it, you’ll need to take the GED.

Come to think of it, where is that all-important piece of paper? After searching everywhere and not finding it, now you’re probably thinking, “Oh no, I lost my high school diploma!”

Well, not to worry. Here’s what to do.

I Lost My High School Diploma, What Now?

First off, don’t panic! There’s a possibility that you might’ve missed it in the first search of your house, so try to calm down, then give it a second try to find your misplaced diploma.

If you’ve moved several times and have given your parents to hold for you, check with them too. You might’ve given them your diploma for safekeeping and forgotten about it.

Otherwise, here are the steps to reorder it.

Contact Your High School

To get a replacement diploma, get in touch with your high school.

The administrative office will walk you through the steps to replace your diploma. There may be specific forms or procedures you need to follow.

It’s likely that you’ll need to provide some details to verify your identity and graduation details. For example, you might have to submit a copy of your ID.

Once you pay the fees, then you’ll only have to wait for your diploma to arrive.

Contact the State’s Department of Education

If your high school’s no longer in operation, or you’re having difficulties, then you’ll have to contact the state’s Department of Education. They’ll tell you who to get in touch with to get older or closed school records.

It’s possible you’ll have to reach out to the school district office for guidance as well.

What Do I Do in the Meantime?

If you need a high school diploma immediately, then you might be in hot water. This can be especially true if you don’t want your parents or current employer to find out you’ve been irresponsible with such an important document.

One fantastic solution is to use a fake diploma to display while you wait for your real one to arrive. View fake high school diplomas, and you’ll see that they closely match the real thing, so they’ll definitely work in a pinch.

Keep Your Diploma Safe

If the thought of “I lost my high school diploma” has ever flashed through your brain, then you’ll know how stressful it can be. If you’re lucky, you’ll find it tucked away in some corner.

Otherwise, you’ll have to order a replacement high school diploma. Make sure you keep this one safe so you don’t have to go through this whole process again.

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