5 Common Mistakes in Building an Infographic and How to Avoid Them

mistakes in building an infographic

Infographics are incredibly effective at conveying data. They’re great for attracting viewers and increasing traffic to your website. You just have to make sure that you’re creating one that looks good and presents your information properly. What are some of the most common mistakes and how can you avoid these? Find out by checking out this article where we go over the five most common mistakes in building an infographic and how to avoid them. 

1. Too Much Text

Too long texts can confuse viewers and make it difficult for them to keep up with the information, or worse skip it altogether. Too many words can overwhelm the viewer and discourage them from learning the information you are meant to convey.

To avoid this mistake, the main principle should be to keep it simple. Give it a try to use words concisely and clearly. 

2. Incorrect Infographic Layout

Far too often designers focus on the data, and try to make it look appealing, that they neglect their layout, resulting in an overly cluttered design with too much going on. Improper layout confuses the audience, causes information overload, and makes your infographic very unattractive to look at.

In order to avoid this mistake, it’s important for designers to plan to choose an infographic layout at the beginning and take the time to build a strong structure of the overall design.

3. Misleading Data Visualizations

Misleading data visualizations can distort the meaning of information presented, leading to erroneous conclusions. For example, a chart that plots average temperatures over the past decade does not tell the full story if it does not also depict how many warmer-than-average months and cooler-than-average months occurred.

To avoid this, be mindful of how the graphic depicts the data. Keep the graphic simple and consistent, using colors and shapes to provide cues to the meaning.

4. Poor Choice of Colors

Using colors that do not contrast properly or clash with one another can make an infographic hard to read and look unprofessional. Poor color choice can leave people feeling confused or uncomfortable.

Too many colors can be distracting and make the infographic look cluttered. It is best to focus on the two main colors, along with accent highlights.

Start by deciding which colors will be used in a cohesive palette. It should be comprised of no more than two or three colors to ensure balance and harmony between the elements. 

5. Using Too Many Fonts

A good rule of thumb is to limit the number of fonts you use to three. When using multiple fonts, make sure the fonts for infographics are easy to read, and don’t clash.

Don’t suddenly shock your readers with a vibrant, bold font. Taking the time to plan a font hierarchy in advance helps avoid the ‘font overload’ that results from using too many fonts in an infographic.

Avoid These Mistakes in Building an Infographic

In conclusion, there are many pitfalls a designer can fall into when creating an infographic. In order to avoid these mistakes in building an infographic, it is important to plan ahead, research, pay attention to details, and ensure the accuracy of the data. 

Good luck on your infographic design journey and don’t forget to measure the success of your hard work and dedication with data-driven insights. 

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