What Are the Different Types of Breast Implants That Exist Today?

types of breast implants

It’s no secret that there’s a breast implant shortage right now. Still, many women pursue this choice to improve the shape, volume, or appearance of their bust line.

This small procedure can enhance confidence and self-esteem, and even bring about improved athletic performance.

For some women, however, their insurance provider won’t cover this procedure. If that’s the case, they may be wondering, “what are the different types of breast implants?”

If you’re feeling curious and want to know more about these options, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading for an in-depth guide to all your breast enhancement options.

Saline Implant

Breast augmentation by Dr. Esmailian is consider the most popular choice. Dr. Esmailian offers the main types of breast implants for cosmetic surgery that are available today saline implants.

Breast implants are medical devices used to enhance the shape, size, and projection of a woman’s breasts. Saline implants are made from a silicone shell filled with sterile salt water or saline.

Saline implants are approve for women of all ages, 18 or older, for breast augmentation, and for women for breast reconstruction following mastectomy. Due to their construction, saline implants are fill with a saltwater solution that may be adjust after placement to help create a fuller look.

Saline implants are not recommend for women whose breasts are naturally quite large. However, using implants together with fat transfer can give a beautiful and natural look. Another help with saline implants is that they can offer women a faster recovery period and a lower risk of complications.

Anatomical Implant

Anatomical implants are a type of breast implant used to reconstruct or enhance the size, shape, and contour of a woman’s breasts. An atomical implants are teardrop shaped, meaning they are wider at the base and narrower at the top with a tapered or wavy shape. They are also firmer than round implants and can give a natural appearance and feel to the chest.

They are designed to mimic the shape of a natural breast, providing more natural-looking results than other implant types for optimal health. These implants are teardrop-shape, mimicking the natural curvature of the breast, and feature a more variable width.

They are available in both saline and silicone-filled varieties. Anatomical implants also contain either structured or textured shells. Textured implants help the implant stay in place and reduce the chance of post-surgical shifting.

They are most commonly use in breast reconstruction, revision surgeries, or to correct defects cause by other implant types. While anatomical implants are use for reconstructive purposes. Some women opt for them for cosmetic procedure purposes as well.

How to Choose the Right Type of Breast Implants for You

Breast implants are an excellent choice for those wanting to improve their body image as there are a variety of options to choose from for types of breast implants.

From textured to smooth, saline to silicone, and round to teardrop implants. It is important to know your options and find the best choice for your body. Speak to your doctor to understand the risks associated with the procedure and make the best decision.

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