Health Benefits of Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Health Benefits of Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Mimosa Hostilis, also known as Mimosa Tenuiflora, is a Perennial shrub that grows in dry regions of northeastern Brazil and in the wild forest of Southern Mexico. It is also commonly known as Tepezcohuite, Calumbi, Jurema Preta, and Binho de Jurema.

The Mimosa Hostilis tree has fern-like leaves which grow about 5-7 cm. Every part of this tree is useful, but Mimosa Hostilis root bark is the most popular. The root bark of Tenuiflora has been used in several products, such as Ayahuasca, a well-known brew for its powerful hallucinogenic properties.

The root bark is believed to have magical healing powers; this is why it is used in numerous medical and cosmetic products. The Mimosa Hostilis root bark is beneficial in skin-related issues such as aging, wounds, burns, sunburns, and ulcers. 

Today, many companies like Mhrbusa offer Mimosa Hostilis products like Mimosa Hostilis root bark powder, finely shredded, and whole pieces of Tepezcohuite. This article explains the overview, uses, and health advantages of Mimosa Hostilis root bark. So if you want to use root bark for your health problem and want to know more about the Mimosa Hostilis, keep reading.  

Mimosa Hostilis Overview

The Mimosa Tenuiflora tree can grow as tall as 8 m (26 ft) with a height of 4-5 m (13-16 ft) in only five years. It has finely pinnate, fern-like branches that grow about 5 cm (2 in) long. Each leaf consists of 15-33 pairs of bright green leaflets that are 5-6 mm (0.2-0.24 in) in length.

This shrub also has beautiful flowers, which are in the shape of cylindrical spikes of 4-8 cm (1.6-3.1 in) in length. Mimosa hostilis root bark almost looks dark brown to gray. You can split the root bark lengthwise. The wood of the Tepezcohuite tree is quite strong and durable.

Medicinal Uses Of Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Here are the major health benefits and medical uses of Mimosa Tenuiflora.


In 2007, a study showed that a water extract (decoction) of Mimosa hostilis is good for cough and bronchitis. Mix a handful of Mimosa Hostilis root bark powder in one liter of water and drink it like syrup until your symptoms completely disappear.

    Venous Leg Ulcerations

During a clinical trial, it is found that Jurema Preta is also highly beneficial in treating venous leg ulcerations.

    Tooth Pain

In deep forests and rural areas of Pernambuco, Alagoinha, and northeastern Brazil, the natives used Mimosa hostilis to treat severe tooth pain for many centuries. They mix the leaves and stems of this shrub to make tea and drink it. 

    Entheogenic Uses

In northeastern Brazil, people use Mimosa Hostilis root bark as a psychoactive decoction, known as Jurema or Yurema. When mixed with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, the bark offers psychoactive traditional religious experiences.


Mimosa Hostilis is a perennial tree used for various medicinal and cosmetic purposes. If you live in the United States, you can order Mimosa Hostilis root bark from reputable online companies like Mhrbusa, which offers authentic Mimosa Hostilis products.

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