Great Western Buildings Lawsuit – Explained

Great Western Buildings Lawsuit


Nestled in the midst of Aurora, Colorado, the seasoned stalwart of the steel building industry, Great Western Buildings, is currently ensnared in a complex legal imbroglio. The allegations, which surfaced in 2022, paint a distressing picture of the company’s involvement in the sale of purportedly defective steel structures, sending shockwaves through the industry and causing irreparable damage to the company’s once-unblemished reputation.

Company Background:

Founded in 1984, Great Western Buildings became synonymous with reliability in delivering durable steel structures. However, recent years have witnessed an unsettling trend of dissatisfied customers, marking a stark departure from the company’s historical commitment to excellence. This tumultuous period has raised questions about the practices that once earned the company its stellar reputation.

Core Allegations:

At the crux of the legal maelstrom lie accusations of systemic misrepresentation by Great Western Buildings. Customers allege that the company provided false assurances regarding the durability and maintenance of their steel buildings, bringing to light a concerning misalignment between the marketed quality and the actual structural integrity of the constructions.

Customer Complaints:

Reports from disgruntled customers paint a concerning portrait of rapid structural deterioration, leading to unforeseen financial burdens. Instances abound where the promised longevity and low maintenance have proven elusive, leaving customers grappling with unexpected challenges and expenses. The mosaic of complaints serves as a testament to the magnitude of the discrepancies between customer expectations and the actual delivered product.

Legal Parties:

The legal arena is set for a showdown, with plaintiffs representing a collective voice of discontented customers facing off against formidable defendants – Great Western Buildings and its parent company, Great Western Building Systems, LLC. The legal battle has transformed into a David-versus-Goliath spectacle, with the plaintiffs seeking justice for what they perceive as a betrayal of trust.

Legal Developments:

The legal narrative took a significant turn in 2022 when a federal judge granted class-action status to the lawsuit, expanding its scope beyond individual grievances. Both legal parties are currently embroiled in the discovery phase, meticulously collecting evidence to fortify their positions in preparation for the high-stakes trial scheduled for 2023. The legal fraternity watches with bated breath as the drama unfolds, recognizing the far-reaching implications of the case.

Company Denial:

Great Western Buildings staunchly refutes all allegations, maintaining that its steel buildings adhere to the highest standards of quality and durability. The company’s unwavering denial introduces an intriguing layer to the legal battle, as it attempts to protect its reputation amid mounting evidence presented by the aggrieved customers.

Industry Implications:

Beyond the confines of the lawsuit, the industry at large faces a moment of reckoning. The legal proceedings have cast a long shadow over the steel building sector, raising profound concerns about the commitment to quality assurance and effective communication. Stakeholders in related industries find themselves reflecting on their own practices, contemplating the lessons that can be drawn from this high-profile case.

Reputation Challenge:

The reputational challenge posed by the legal battle is multifaceted. Great Western Buildings now grapples with the formidable task of not only defending its name in court but also addressing the erosion of trust among its customer base. Regardless of the trial’s outcome, the company stands at a crossroads, where substantial changes in practices and policies may be imperative to rebuild the shattered confidence of its clientele.

Business Values:

The case becomes a poignant study in business values, transcending the legal arena. Regardless of the verdict, the spotlight on transparency, integrity, and accountability intensifies. The need for companies to uphold promises, especially in industries where structural components are integral, becomes more pronounced. This introspection is not exclusive to Great Western Buildings; it is a clarion call for the entire business community to reevaluate and reinforce their commitment to ethical business practices.


As the trial’s specter looms large, Great Western Buildings finds itself at a pivotal juncture. The legal skirmish is not merely an isolated incident for one company but a critical chapter in the broader narrative of business accountability and transparency. The outcome of the trial will undoubtedly shape the expectations customers hold for the companies they choose to entrust with their safety, financial stability, and the promise of a lasting product. The uncertainty surrounding the company’s future adds another layer of complexity, making this legal saga a narrative of industry-wide significance.